Silver Living Manchester 6 The same family business since 1898 •Pasties •Pies •Cakes •Soup •Sandwiches •Special frozen offers Ye Olde Pastie Shoppe 31 Churchgate, Bolton 01204 524834 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-2.30pm – Menu available online Look out for our special offers • Please notewedon’t deliver KEEP STOCKED UP THISWINERWITHOUR FROZEN SPECIAL OFFERS! All our hot products are made fresh daily BEST BAKERY IN GREATER MANCHESTER Large buffet orders welcome ENQUIRE NOW! We offer everything you would find on a traditional market but with a modern twist . Bolton market has over 200 stalls including a bustling food court serving food from all over the world, cafés complement our food offer, and we even have a licensed bar. You can buy everything from fresh fish, meat and game, locally sourced and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls selling deli meats and a huge selection of cheeses, plus there is a whole host of traditional stalls selling everything from furniture to flowers, bedding to broomsticks and much more. Contact: 01204 336825 Email: Visit our website for a list of special events and activities that we are running at the Market. NORTHWEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE CHOICE BOLTON MARKET HALF PAGE 1.8.indd 1 02/08/2017 13:24 We offer everything you would find on a traditional market but with a modern twist . Bolton market has over 200 stalls including a bustling food court serving food from all over the world, cafés complement our food offer, and we even have a licensed bar. You can buy everything from fresh fish, meat and game, locally sourced and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls selling deli meats and a huge selection of cheeses, plus there is a whole host of traditional stalls selling everything from furniture to flowers, bedding to broomsticks and much more. Cont act: 01204 336825 Email: Visit our website for a list of special events and activities that we are running at the Market. www. NORTHWEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tue day, Thursday, Frid y & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE CHOICE BOLT ON MARKET HALF PAGE 1.8.indd 1 02/08/2017 13:24 We offer everything you would find on a traditional market but with a modern twist . Bolton market has over 200 stalls including a bustling food court serving food from all over the world, cafés complement our food offer, and we even have a li ensed bar. You can buy everything from fresh fish, meat and game, locally sourced and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls selling deli meats and a huge selection of cheeses, plus there is a whol host of traditional stalls selling everything from furnit re to flowers, bedding to broomsticks and much more. Contact: 01204 336825 Email : Visit o ur website for a list of special events and a ctivities that we are running at the Market. NORTH WEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE CHOICE BOLTON MARKET HALF PAGE 1.8.indd 1 02/08/2017 13:24 We offer everything you would find on a traditional market but with a modern twist . Bolton market has over 200 stalls including a bustling food court serving food from all over the world, cafés complement our food offer, and we even h ve a licensed bar. You can buy everything from fresh fish, meat and game, locally sourced and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls s lling deli meats and a huge selection of cheeses, plus there is a whole host of traditional stalls selling everything from furniture to flowers, bedding to broomsticks and much more. Contact: 01204 336825 Email: bolto v uk Visit our webs ite for a list of special events and activiti es that we are running at the Market. NORTH WEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE CHOICE LTON MARKE T HALF PAGE 1.8.indd 02/ 8/2017 13:24 We offer everything you would find on traditional market but with a modern twist . olton market has over 200 stalls including a bustling food c urt serving food from all over the world, fés complement our f od offer, nd we ven have a licensed b r. You can buy everything from fresh fish, meat and game, locally sourced and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls selling deli meats and a huge sel ction of cheeses, plus there is a whole host of tr ditional stalls selling everything from furniture to flowers, bedding to broo sticks and much more. Contact: 01204 336825 Email: Vis it our website for a list of special ev ents and activities that we are r unning at the Market. www. NORTH WEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE HOICE offer everything you wo ld find on a traditional rk t bu with a m dern twist . Bolto market has over 200 stalls including bustling food court serving fo d from all ov r the world, cafés co plement our food offer, and we even have a licensed bar. Yo can buy ev rything from fr sh fish, m at nd game, locally source and exotic fruit and vegetables with speciality stalls s l ng deli meats and a huge selection of cheese , plus there is a whole host of traditional stalls selling everything f om furniture to flow rs, bedding to broomsticks and much more. Contact: 01204 336825 Email: Visit o ur website for a list of special events and a ctivities that we are running at the Market. NORTH WEST’S THE .... Bolton Market has it all. Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm How To Find Us : Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton BL1 1TQ. YOUR UNIQUE I BOLTON MARKET HALF PAGE 1.8.indd 1 02/08/2017 13:24 To Join our Wine & Dine Guide in the next edition, call 01204 478812