Silver Living Manchester
27 Brazley Centre Cedar Avenue Horwich Bolton Winifred Kettle Centre Leigh Road Westhoughton Bolton Thicketford Centre Thicketford Road Bolton OUR CENTRES: Contact us If you would like to talk to someone or find out more about what we do, please get in touch. 01204 331111 • Head Office: Thicketford House, Thicketford Road, Bolton BL2 2LW @boltoncares Would you, a family member or friend welcome some company, companionship and somewhere safe and warm to go during the day? Then Bolton Cares Day Services for older poeple could be just what you’re looking for! We have three vibrant centres across Bolton with lots going on for you to get involved in as much or as little as you wish. Day Services for older people Good Community Meals Do you know a relative or friend that may need a Meals-on-Wheels service? Call ICareCommunityMeals to try a complimentary meal and sweet! 08456041125 | www.ica f e o e u o ll I are Co munity Meals to try a complimentary meal and s eet! w .icar i . | i l e or i t t ay need a als- - heels service? ICare are looking to contact people within the Community that may require our services. Healthy eating is essential for everyone. We can provide a nutritious, satisfying meal and sweet to be had at home. We also offer meals for special diet, cultural or religious requirements. We can provide an introductory complimentary meal and sweet, to either an individual or group of people, to sample our service. ICare are able to offer a delivery service of lunch time Hot Meals or a weekly delivery of Frozen Meals over 365 days a year to suit the customers individual requirements. Also if required we are also able to provide an ICare Premium Service which includes a 15 minute stay with the customer where we can encourage them to eat, a well-being check and we can do small household chores. We also provide a Home Shopping service, and sandwich pack delivered with hot meal ready for tea time. Our Community Assistants are helpful, polite and punctual and undergo a rigorous selection process, where by they are trained and assessed in adult care awareness, police checked and DBS cleared. If you would like to find out more please contact ICare on 0845 6041125 or email Hot meal lunchtime deliveries OR Frozen meal weekly deliveries
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