Silver Surfers Cheshire
19 Bespoke Dentures Made For You By Registered Technicians On Our Premises All Work Guaranteed Home Visits Available New Dentures • Denture Repairs Disabled / Easy Access Open 7 Days - Flexible Appointment Times Free & Easy Parking Out Of Hours Assistance Emergency Work All Appointments Held In A Relaxed, Friendly Environment Clinical Dental Technician Registered Dental Technicians Dental Surgeon Referrals Free Consultation / Dental Advice Full & Partial Dentures Repairs While You Wait Your Dentures manufactured by us on our premises Mon-Fri 7am to 6pm & Sat 9am to 1pm No 7 The Downs · Altrincham · WA14 2QD 0161 989 1288 The world’s first Healthable hearing aid that tracks brain and body health When your hearing is healthy, your brain is too EXPERIENCE THIS NEWTECHNOLOGY FOR YOURSELF! Body Score 91 Introducing Livio AI – the world’s first hearing aidwith integrated sensors and artificial intelligence Brain and body health tracking Superior sound quality Fall detection and alerts Tap control Rechargeable hearing aids Language translation Heart rate measurements Thrive ™ Virtual Assistant Hearing health is directly connected to overall health and well-being. Ever-increasing evidence also shows treatment of hearing loss with hearing aids can improve or limit some serious health issues like cognitive decline and dementia.* Until now, there has never been a device that tracks physical activity and cognitive health as measured by hearing aid use in social situations. Livio AI lets people of all ages take a proactive approach to their overall wellness. Thanks to a new technology we call Hearing Reality™ , Livio AI is designed to be effective in even the noisiest environments, comfortable in loud settings, and quiet in quiet settings. It also provides newly enhanced clarity of speech. Livio AI hearing aids work seamlessly with accessories and your favourite digital devices to help you connect to your world. *Bassuk et al., 1999; Béland et al., 2005; Marioni et al., 2015; Zunzunegui et al. 2003
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